-3. Setting Temperature Scale
When the process of setting speed scale is completed, "°C" symbol illuminates (Fig. 4). With each press of
the S/S button, "°C" and "°F" appears alternately. Select the desired scale and press the Set button to fix the
-4. Setting Wheel Circumference
The preset value of this unit is 203 cm (standard value for 26 x 1.50 mountain bike wheel) (Fig. 5). When
using 203 cm without revision, press the Set button and this value is set. For revision, press the S/S button
to increase the number and the Mode button to decrease, when the number is blinking. To increase/de-
crease the number rapidly, hold down the button. When the desired number appears, press the Set button
and the value is set.
Note: Once the wheel circumference is set, this number will be the initial value.
How to Reset or Change the Wheel Circumference
In the sub mode showing O (total distance), and when the current speed is zero, press the Set button; the
stored number flickers. Then revise the number according to the above -4.
-5. Switching on the Auto (Automatic Start/Stop) Function
Operate the Mode button to display the main mode showing T, D or A. Press the S/S button to get the stop
state, and then press the Set button.
symbol appears and the Auto function is on (Fig. 6).
-6. Setting Clock Time
Operate the Mode button to display the sub mode showing clock time. When the speed is zero, press the
Set button (Fig. 7). With each press of the S/S button, the flickering digits for hours increase by one. (To
increase rapidly, hold down the button.) Then press the mode button, and the digits for minutes flicker.
Adjust the minutes by pressing the S/S button. For accurate time setting, display the number which is 1
minute ahead of the present time; then at the tone of the time signal, press the Set button. (This 12-hour
clock does not have a distinction between A.M. and P.M..)
Mode Button (Lower Button)
• With each press of this button, the main mode shifts as shown in Fig. 9. In this mode, the main display
(upper line) always shows the current speed.