Basssounds distorted
Subwoofer amplifier isat maximum output Lowersubwoofervolumeor receiverlevelcontrol
Receivertone controls are set too high Set bassflat;usetone controls sparingly
Distortion with volume control nearminimum Defective receiveror preamplifier, or shorted Repair defectivereceiver,preamplifier or replace
speakerwires speakerwires
Distortion on music peaks or sound effects Dynamic soundtrack (e.g., explosions) Turn down volume control to lower over£1
range; use a more powerfialreceiver/amplifier
Buzz, hum, or crackle when connecting wires Connecting wires with power on causes tramient Connect wires only when system power is off
signal spikes
50160 cyclehum when systemison Residentialgrounding problem Usea three-to-two prong AC adaptor (available
at your audio dealeror localelectronic supply).
No sound after listening at high levels Amplifier's thermal protection hasbeen Lowersubwoofer volume and allowamplifier to
temporarily activated cool down; sound should resume automatically
Volume control is at maximum, yet sound islow Both channels are not being driven Usean RCA "y" adapter[o drive both channels
HT-S10A LW-10/10X
A_puF[ra Po'm_ Otm,i_: 100Waas (RMS) _uHr_ PowL_OLrrP_: 100Wat,s (RMS)
c.o_2_.............. c2_n£"."°__t"Z92"9ogAO_2_50_EL_28__dB_2_"_.....
PotaarrY SWffCH: 0° m 180"(userseLectabLe)
St_SONICFILTE_ 18dB peroctavebelow 30 Hz
VOLTAGe: 115Vac
DtMF_I$1ONS(H XW x D): 1T' x15" x 15"/ 432 can• 38.1cmx 38.1 cm
Po_r'r SWITCH: 0° or 180°(t_er sHeo_ble)
s_E"2cF'J___........ 18'iB_y"= _°w3!___L.....................
VOLT/*_E: 115Vac (LW-10), 115/230 Vac(LW-10X)
DIMF_ZSlOi'lS(H XW XD): 18.5"x 12"x 18.75"/ 47canx30.5 cm x40 cm
o._^____w?,_Em-...... _E__(z_5_.o_....................... _y____5.q__y__,5__-........ 85*_(23.0_.............................................
FINISH; Blackwoodgralnvinyl FINISH: Blackwoodgrainvinyl
HT-S12A LW-12/12X
F_QUENCYR_PONSF_ 28 m 150Hz FF,£qUE_ P,_OI_S_: 30 Hz _o150Hz
A_FI_. POW_OU'I_sr: 150Wa_ (RMS) _FI_ Po'm.a O_: 150Warn (RMS)
D_t_. D_sl¢;n: 12"high _iclmcy ,_,eofer/diexas__¢odnum flame DRIVERD_SmN: 12" high ei_ciene/weof_ldieost aluminumframe
C_OSSOW_.: Confiauomly variableflora 40 to 150Hi @18dBlocrave Ceosso'€_: Contin_i_sly variablefrom 40 -150 Hz @18dB/octav:
POL_'_ Swrrol: 0°oe 1800(l_e_wi:oable)
SUBSONICFILTE_ 18dB pe_o_taw bdow28 Hz
VOLT^G_ 113Vac
DIM_e_SlONS(HXW XD): 19" x 17"x 17" 1483 _ x43.2 _m x432. o_
U_pAO_D WO_Wr: 60 _b(27.3 k0
F*_rSH: Bl,_k wo_.-..i, _.orl
pO_l_r_ SWITOt: 0_or180" (users_able)
SUBSONICFILTT2.: 18dB per octavebelow30 Hz
VOLTAGE: 115Vac (LW-12), 115/230Vac (LW-12X)
DI_a',ZSIO_S(H x Wx D): 19.5"x 14"x 17.3" /49.5 cmx 35.6 cmx 44nB
UNe^C_[_ WEm_: 60 Ib(27.3 kg)
FINISH: Bhck v,oodgr,ln vin_l
HT-S15A LW-15/15X
FREQUENCYRESPONSE: 25 to 150 Hz Fp_qUENC_IL_eo_s_ 27Hz to150Hz
AMmFIERPOWEaOL_PUT: 200 Watts (RMS) A_pu_ Pow_. O_: 200Wa_ (RMS)
DRrVERDESIGN: 15" high dF_Aenc/_ferl_lie_st duminum flame De.lv_ DESIGN: 15"h_h *:_deBq, w_of_/ditcas_ aluminum frame
Crossov_.: Condmmusly _aiable from40 to 150Hz @18dBIoctave Cgossov_: Continuously variablefrom40 -150 Hz @18dB/oc_ave
POLARITYSWiTOA: 0_or 180_(m_"sd_.'oable} PoLg_.ffYS_O4: 0"ot 180"(m_zs_le)
SU_ONICFILTE_ 18dB per octavebdow25 Hz SlaVONICFILTEg: 18dBper ochre below25 Hz
VOLTAGE: 115Vac VOLTAGE; 115Vac(LW-I8). 1151230Va_(LW-I 5X)
DIM_ASlONS(H XWXD): 23.5" x 18.75"x 18.75" / 59.7 _ x47.6 _rax47.6 cm Dit,_t_sloNs (H XW x D): 21"x IT x 18" 1533 o_ax 43.2 _ x45.7 can
UNpt_ED WElkin': 72 Ib (32.8 Do) UNPt_g_ WEtGFrr: 72 Ib(32.8 kg)
FINISH: Bleakv,_d_n vinyl FINISH: Blackwoo_r_ _iny[
Geawln-V_ismmtanfl,/mMngtomlm_a tbehlgbe__ sland=ads.Asan:s_ltolrtheseeffom,raoclificath_roayh_madefrmntimetotimeto_tistiag_a_ _t _r _.
6 Spedfica_m andappearar.emaydiff=fromthoseIlatedor#aowainthismaaual.