Legend™ 550 Spot User Manual 9 1/11/2010 11:36 AM
The fuse is located inside
this compartment. Remove
using a Phillips #2
Warning! Remove power from mains prior to this operation
Maximizing the life of your lamp
To ensure the longest and most efficient use of the lamp always wait between 10 to 15
minutes before re-applying power after a shutdown.
Failure to do so could result in premature aging of the lamp and failure to the electronics that drive it.
Never turn off the power to the unit while the lamp is striking. Always wait 15 minutes after powering
on the fixture before powering down. Turning off the lamp during striking may permanently damage
the lamp
Fuse Replacement
With a Phillips #2 screwdriver, unscrew the fuse
holder from its housing. Remove the damaged
fuse from its holder and replace with exact
same type fuse. Screw the fuse holder back in
its place and reconnect power.
FasTap™ Voltage and Frequency adjustment
This fixture will operate with multiple voltage and frequency options. Depending on the power being supplied to the fixture,
you may modify the connections on the terminal block. Please see the below instructions for modifying the settings.
1. Disconnect the fixture from the mains power.
2. Unscrew the 2 screws that hold the FasTap™ cover in place.
3. Unscrew the screw on the terminal block according to the desired voltage and frequency and
retighten snugly as needed.
4. Re-install the FasTap™ cover back into place.
Disconnect the power cord before replacing a fuse and always
replace with the same type fuse.