Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Operations and Maintenance Guide, Release 6.0.x
Chapter 5 Managing External Resources
Managing Trunk Groups and Trunks
Resetting trunks
reset trunk-termination tgn-id=13; cic=1-6;
Resetting does the following:
• Clears all manual and blocked states
• Clears active/transient calls on a trunk termination, with the
exception of SS7 trunk terminations.
• Brings trunks INS
Changing trunk states
control trunk-termination tgn-id=17; cic=1-23;
target-state=ins; mode=forced;
equip trunk-termination tgn-id=13; cic=all;
Changes trunks in UEQP to OOS
unequip subscriber-termination id=97_8@ipclab.cisco.com;
Changes OOS trunks to UEQP
Forcing MAINT state SS7 trunks
control ss7-trunk-termination tgn-id=103; mode=forced;
Note Set COT on the terminating gateway or switch to perform
these tests. Otherwise, the test or tests fail.
ISDN trunks
control isdn-trunk-termination tgn-id=17; mode=forced;
CAS trunks
control cas-trunk-termination tgn-id=64; mode=forced;
Announcement trunks
control annc-trunk-termination tgn-id=13; mode=forced;
Table 5-2 Managing Trunk Groups (continued)
Task Sample Command