Catalyst 6000 Family Content Switching Module Installation and Configuration Note
78-11631-02 Rev. A0
Configuring Probes for Health Monitoring
ICMP Probe
An ICMP probe sends an ICMP echo (for example, ping) to the real server. The ip slb probe icmp
command enters the ICMP probe configuration mode. All the common ip slb probe commands are
supported except open, which is ignored.
Step 3
Router(config-slb-probe-http)# expect
status min-number [max-number]
Configure a status code to expect from the HTTP probe.
You can configure multiple status ranges by entering one
expect command at a time
min-number—If you do not specify a max-number, this
number is taken as a single status code. If you specify a
max-number, this number is taken as the minimum status
code of a range.
max-number—The maximum status code in a range. The
default range is 0–999. (Any response from the server is
considered valid.)
Note If no maximum is specified, this command takes
a single number (min-number). If you specify
both a min-number and a max-number, it takes
the range of numbers.
Step 4
Router(config-slb-probe-http)# header
field-name [field-value]
Configure a header field for the HTTP probe. Multiple
header fields may be specified
Step 5
Router(config-slb-probe-http)# request
[method [get | head]] [url path]
Configure the request method used by an HTTP probe
• get—Directs the HTTP get request method directs
the server to get this page
• head—Directs the HTTP head request method
directs the server to get only the header for this page
• url—A character string of up to 1275 characters
specifies the URL path; the default path is “/”
Note The CSM supports only the get and head request
methods; it does not support the post and other
methods. The default method is head.
1. The no form of this command restores the defaults.
Command Purpose
Command Purpose
Step 1
Router(config)# ip slb probe probe-name icmp
Configure an ICMP probe and enter the ICMP
probe submode
1. The no form of this command restores the defaults.
Step 2
Router(config-slb-probe-icmp)# [failed |
interval | retries | receive]
Configure the intervals to wait between probes
of a failed server and between probes. Also,
specify the time to make a TCP connection, to
receive a reply from the server, and to limit the
number of retries before considering the real
server as failed.