
-70 OL-16993-01
Note For help using speed-dial features, see Speed Dialing, page 43.
If you want to... Then do this after you log in...
Set up speed-dial
1. Choose User Options > Device.
2. Choose a phone from the Name drop-down menu.
3. Click Speed Dials.
4. Enter a number and label for a speed-dial button (programmable button)
on your phone.
5. Click Save.
Note Your phone uses the ASCII Label field.
Set up Abbreviated
1. Choose User Options > Device.
2. Choose a phone from the Name drop-down menu.
3. Click Speed Dials.
4. Enter a number and label for an Abbreviated Dialing code.
5. Click Save.
Set up Fast Dials See Configuring Fast Dials on the Web, page 68.
You can also set up Fast Dials on your phone. See Using Personal Directory on
Your Phone, page 63.