The Cisco
8450HDC and 8550HDC DVR Set-Tops with Multi-Stream CableCARD
) provide
high-defi nition (HD) capability and broadband digital video services.
Follow the instructions in this guide to install the 8450HDC and 8550HDC, to become familiar with the buttons on the
front panel, and to access your cable services. Then, enjoy the features of the 8450HDC and 8550HDC and change
the way you watch TV.
Important: If the M-Card is removed, the set-top will not operate correctly.
The consumer support website provides news and information about this product. For more information, please refer to
www.scientifi catlanta.com/products/consumers/new_cableboxes.htm
Safety First
Before using the set-top, read the Important Safety Instructions section of this guide.
Identify Your Set-Top
To fi nd the serial number for your set-top, look on the back for a label that is similar to the example shown here.
The serial number begins with “SA“ and is located at the top of the bar code.
If your set-top requires troubleshooting in the future, your cable service provider may ask for this serial number.
Use the space provided here to record the serial number: _______________________________________________
eCM MAC: 001868C16907
STB RF MAC: 001868C16906
Serial Number