Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 5 Administering the Access Point
Migrating to Japan W52 Domain
Migrating to Japan W52 Domain
This utility is used to migrate 802.11a radios from the J52 to W52 domains. The utility operates on the
1130, 1200 (with RM20, RM21, and RM22A radios), and 1240 access points. Migration is not supported
on access points that do not ship with 802.11a radios.
The following interface global configuration mode CLI command is used to migrate an access point
802.11a radio to the W52 domain:
dot11 migrate j52 w52
After displaying appropriate warnings and entering y, the migration process starts and completes after
the access reboots twice. The firmware initialization code reads and initializes the regulatory domain
when the radio hardware is reset. The hardware reset reloads the firmware and flashes the image onto
the radio and then allows the initialization to proceed. To make sure that the radio selects the regulatory
domain, the access point reboots a second time.
The following example shows how the migration is accomplished:
ap#config terminal
ap(config)interface dot11radio0
ap(config-if)#dot11 migrate j52 w52
Migrate APs with 802.11A Radios in the "J"
Regulatory Domain to the "U" Regulatory Domain.
The "J" domain allows J52 frequencies, the "U" domain allows W52 frequencies
WARNING: This migration is permanent and is not reversible, as required by law.
WARNING: Once migrated, the 802.11A radios will not operate with previous OS versions.
WARNING: All migrated APs will reboot.
WARNING: All migrated APs must be promptly reported to the manufacturer.
This AP is eligible for migration:
ap AIR-AP1242AG-A-K9 0013.5f0e.d1e0 "J" Regulatory Domain
Begin to migrate Access Point from J (J52) to U (W52).do you want to Continue ?
Burning cookie into serial eeprom:
Reading cookie from system serial eeprom...done.
Editing copy...done.
Writing cookie into system serial eeprom...done.
*Mar 1 00:09:13.844: %DOT11-4-UPGRADE: **** Send your company name and the following
report to: migrateapj52w52@cisco.com
The following AP has been migrated from J(J52) to U(W52) Regulatory Domain:
AP Name AP Model Ethernet MAC
ap AIR-AP1242AG-A-K9 0013.5f0e.d1e0 "U" Regulatory Domain
*Mar 1 00:09:13.844: Convert Regulatory Domain from J (J52) to U (W52). Writing AP nvram.
*Mar 1 00:09:14.060: %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested by Exec. Reload Reason: CONVERT
If you choose no, the operation terminates as shown in this example:
Begin to migrate Access Point from J (J52) to U (W52).do you want to Continue ?
AP not migrated.