Installation Guide for Cisco Unity 4.0(5) and Later Voice Messaging with Microsoft Exchange 2003/2000 (With Failover Configured)
Chapter 1 Overview of Mandatory Tasks for Installing Cisco Unity
Part 3: Populating the Cisco Unity System with Subscriber and Call Management Data
Part 3: Populating the Cisco Unity System with Subscriber and
Call Management Data
You do most of the tasks in Part 3 by using the Cisco Unity Administrator. (For information on logging
on to the Cisco
Unity Administrator and on using it, refer to the “Accessing the Cisco Unity
Administrator” chapter of the Cisco
Unity System Administration Guide.)
The tasks reference chapters in the Cisco Unity System Administration Guide, Release 4.0(5) that
contain detailed information; the guide is available at
Note Do these tasks on the primary Cisco Unity server. Subscriber and call management data will be
replicated to the secondary Cisco Unity server after you configure failover later in the installation.
22. Define system schedules:
a. Identify standard business hours.
b. Identify closed and weekend hours.
c. Create custom schedules, if necessary.
d. Identify holidays.
Refer to the “Schedule Settings” and “Holiday Settings” sections in the “System Settings” chapter.
23. Set up phone, GUI, and TTS languages (including TTY, if applicable). Refer to the “Languages”
24. Set up third-party fax, if applicable. Refer to the “Integrating a Fax Server with Cisco Unity”
25. Create a call management plan. Refer to the “Call Management” chapter.
26. Prepare to create regular subscriber accounts. Refer to the “Before Creating Regular Subscriber
Accounts” section in the “Creating Subscriber Accounts” chapter.
a. Confirm that you have the necessary permissions for creating subscriber accounts and that
Unity is configured properly to work with the message store.
b. Confirm that you have the applicable licenses.
c. Determine password and account lockout policy for Cisco Unity phone access.
d. Determine logon, password, and account lockout policy for Cisco Unity web access.
e. Set up enhanced phone security, if applicable.
f. Review, change, and create classes of service.
g. Create restriction tables, and assign them to the appropriate class(es) of service.
h. Create public distribution lists.
i. Review, create, and modify subscriber templates. Secure phone passwords, and, as applicable,
secure Windows domain account passwords.
j. As needed, change the locale ID of the MAPI profile for the Cisco Unity server.
27. Set up the Cisco Unity Hospitality and property management system integration, if applicable. Refer
to the “Hospitality and Property Management System Integration” chapter.