debug cable-modem bpkm
Troubleshooting Tips for the Cisco uBR904 Cable Modem 43
debug cable-modem bpkm
To debug baseline privacy information on a cable modem, use the debug cable-modem mac
Privileged EXEC command. The no form of this command turns debugging messages off.
[no] debug cable-modem bpkm {errors | events | packets}
Syntax Description
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Usage Guidelines
This command first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.3 NA.
Sample Display
Figure 3 shows the required keywords within the debug cable-modem bpkm command. You must
choose one.
Figure 3 Sample Debug Cable-Modem Bpkm Output
uBR904# debug cable-modem bpkm ?
errors Cable Modem privacy errors
events events related to cable baseline privacy
packets baseline privacy packets
Figure 4 shows output when the headend does not have privacy enabled.
Figure 4 Sample Debug Cable-Modem Bpkm Output
uBR904# debug cable bpkm
cm_bpkm_fsm(): machine: KEK, event/state: EVENT_4_TIMEOUT/STATE_B_AUTH_WAIT, new state:
cm_bpkm_fsm(): machine: KEK, event/state: EVENT_4_TIMEOUT/STATE_B_AUTH_WAIT, new state:
%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface cable-modem0, changed state to down
cm_bpkm_fsm(): machine: KEK, event/state: EVENT_1_PROVISIONED/STATE_A_START, new state:
%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface cable-modem0, changed state to up
errors Debugs cable modem privacy errors.
events Debugs events related to cable baseline privacy.
packets Debugs baseline privacy packets.