Cisco VG202, Cisco VG202XM, Cisco VG204, and Cisco VG204XM Voice Gateways Hardware Installation Guide
Chapter 3 Installing the Voice Gateway
Site Log
• Connect the clip to the ESD-strap connection jack (to the left of the power switch on the back of the
chassis) or to an unpainted chassis frame surface.
Caution For safety, periodically check the resistance value of the antistatic strap, which should be between 1 and
10 megohm (Mohm).
Site Log
We recommend that you maintain a site log to record all actions relevant to the system. Site log entries
might include the following:
• Installation—Print a copy of the installation checklist and insert it into the site log.
• Upgrades and maintenance—Use the site log to record ongoing maintenance and expansion history.
Update the site log to reflect the following:
Configuration changes
Maintenance schedules, requirements, and procedures performed
Comments, notes, and problems
Changes and updates to Cisco IOS software
Installation Checklist
The installation checklist (see Figure 3-1) lists the tasks for installing a Cisco VG202, Cisco VG202XM,
Cisco VG204, or Cisco VG204XM voice gateway. Print a copy of this checklist and mark the entries as
you complete each task. For each voice gateway, include a copy of the checklist in your site log.
Figure 3-1 Installation Checklist
Installation checklist for site _____________________________________________
Cisco VG name/serial number _____________________________________________
Task Verified by Date
Background information placed in site log
Environmental specifications verified
Site power voltages verified
Installation site prepower check completed
Required tools available
Additional equipment available
Voice gateway received
Quick Start Guide received
Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information received
Information packet, warranty card, and Cisco.com card received