
Cisco Catalyst 4900M Switch Installation Guid e
Chapter 2 Site Planning
Site Powe r Requirements
Wa r ni n g
Ultimate dispos al of this product should be handled according to all nationa l laws and regulations.
Statement 1040
EMI Recommendations
Follow these guidelines when setting up the site wiring. When planning the location of the new system,
consider electromagnetic interface (EMI), the distance limitations for signaling, and connector
When wires are run for any significant distance in an electromagnetic field, radio frequency interference
(RFI) can occur between the field and the signals on the wires.
Bad plant wiring can result in radio frequency interference.
Strong EMI, especially when caused by lightning or radio transmitters, can destroy the signal drivers
and receivers in the switch and can create an electrical hazard by conducting power surges through
lines and into equipment.
Note To predict and remedy strong EMI, you might need to consult RFI experts.
Power Requirements and Heat Dissipation
The power requirements might be useful for planning the power distribution system needed to support
the switches. Heat dissipation is an important consideration for sizing the air-conditioning requirements
for an installation. Refer to Appendix A, “Specifications,” for the power and heat ratings for a
Catalyst 4900M switch.
You will also need to provide power to the switch with the appropriate AC power cord for your location.
Table 2-1 lists the specifications for the AC power cords that are available for the 1000 W AC-input
power supply. The table includes references to illustrations of the AC power cords.
Ta b le 2-1 1000 W AC-Input Power Supply Power Cords
Locale Power Cord Part Numbe r AC Source Plug
Ty p e
Cordset Rating Power Cord
Argentina CAB-IR2073-C15-AR=
(was CAB-7KACR=)
IRAM 2073 10 A, 250 VA C Figure 2-1
New Zealand
(was CAB-7KACA=)
SAA AS 3112 10 A, 250 VA C Figure 2-2
Continental Europe CAB-CEE77-C15-EU=
(was CAB-7KACE=)
CEE 7/7 10 A, 250 VA C Figure 2-3
Italy CAB-C2316-C15-IT=
(was CAB-7KACI=)
CEI 23-16/7 10 A, 250 VA C Figure 2-4
North America,
(was CAB-7KAC=)
NEMA 5-15
13 A, 125 VA C Figure 2-5