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Table 2 (Continued)
Trouble Probable Cause Solution
Middle pleat is
too long
(extends down
entire back of
shirt) (item 6)
1. Holes in air bag do not allow air bags to fill
out shirt.
Replace bag and cover assembly on buck.
2. Collapsed hoses in blower system restrict
airflow to air bags.
Check ALL hoses in blower air system. Check for
collapsed inner wall by removing hose from machine.
Straighten hose and look through hose from one end to
3. Improper air bags installed on buck. Check air pressure gauge on discharge tube when buck
is in pressing position and blower is on. If air pressure
gauge does not read between .7 and 1 psi, replace air
bag using the recommended vendor list in your
Preventative Maintenance Guide.
Shirt side pleat
is distorted or
crease is pressed
into shirt
(item 7)
1. Yoke bag is not providing proper lift. Check where yoke bag is sewn into cover. It should
extend 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) beyond cover on either side.
2. Operator is pulling a twist into back of shirt. Have operator use mirror and make one slight tug in
middle of shirt toward the bottom area.