LLiissttss :: MMeennuu CChhooiicceess
The NAV ONE system uses lists extensively
to present information in a convenient form.
On those lists presented by the system,
users can quickly bring up the desired item,
then select it with just a touch of the screen.
After an item is selected, the NAV ONE
system continues automatically to the next
step in the process.
Take a moment to become familiar with
maneuvering through lists on the NAV ONE.
Lists are subdivided into pages of five items per
page. The page numbers between the Up and
Down buttons show both the current page and
the total pages in the list.
Down Button
Press to advance by
one page. Press and
hold for rapid page-
by-page advance.
Page Numbers
Current page /
total pages.
Up Button
Press to advance by
one page. Press and
hold for rapid page-
by-page advance.
The Up button is inactive at the top of the list.
The Down button is inactive at the bottom of the list.
At any page, touch an item to select it.