
P00>>> wwidmgr -quickset -udid 132
Disk assignment and reachability after next initialization:
via adapter: via fc nport: connected:
dga132.1001.0.1.0 pga0. 5000-1fe1-0000-0d64 No
dga132.1002.0.1.0 pga0. 5000-1fe1-0000-0d62 Yes
dga132.1003.0.1.0 pga0. 5000-1fe1-0000-0d63 No
dga132.1004.0.1.0 pga0. 5000-1fe1-0000-0d61 Yes
dgb132.1001.0.2.0 pgb0. 5000-1fe1-0000-0d64 No
dgb132.1002.0.2.0 pgb0. 5000-1fe1-0000-0d62 Yes
dgb132.1003.0.2.0 pgb0. 5000-1fe1-0000-0d63 No
dgb132.1004.0.2.0 pgb0. 5000-1fe1-0000-0d61 Yes
b. Set the bootdef_dev console environment variable to one
reachable path (Yes in the connected column) to the member
system boot disk (See Section 6.6.3):
P00>>> set bootdef_dev dga132.1002.0.1.0
c. Boot genvmunix on the newly added cluster member system.
5. After the new kernel is built, do not reboot the new cluster member
system. Shut down the system and reset the bootdef_dev console
environment variable to provide multiple boot paths to the member
system boot disk before booting (see Section 6.8).
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for other cluster member systems.
6.11 Changing the HSG80 from Transparent to Multiple-Bus
Failover Mode
You may be are using transparent failover mode with Tru64 UNIX Version
5.0A and TruCluster Server Version 5.0A and want to take advantage of the
ability to create a no-single-point-of-failure (NSPOF) configuration, and the
availability that multiple-bus failover provides over transparent failover
If you are upgrading from Tru64 UNIX Version 4.0F or Version 4.0G and
TruCluster Software Products Version 1.6 to Tru64 UNIX Version 5.0A and
TruCluster Server Version 5.0A you may want to change from transparent
failover to multiple-bus failover to take advantage of multibus support in
Tru64 UNIX Version 5.0A and multiple-bus failover mode and the ability
to create a NSPOF cluster.
The change in failover modes cannot be accomplished with a simple SET
MULTIBUS COPY=THIS HSG80 CLI command because:
Unit offsets are not changed by the HSG80 SET MULTIBUS_FAILOVER
COPY=THIS command.
654 Using Fibre Channel Storage