
Air-cooled Models
10 {254}
9 {229}
10.5 {267}
5.5 {140}
UGH016/0500 Series 1 Portable Chillers, TIC Control
Based on 50 °F (10 °C) water temperature (100% water) leaving the chiller, standard pump selections, 95 °F (35 °C) ambient air conditions for
the 60 Hz units. For the 50 Hz units, multiply the capacity by 0.8. Consult factory for other conditions. Capacity ratings are (+-) 5% based on
compressor manufacturer’s ratings and are subject to change without notice.
Based on 50 °F (10 °C) water temperature leaving the chiller and 60 °F (16 °C) water temperature returning to the chiller (except A1-1.5 and
A1-2.25 which have 55 °F (13 °C) water temperature returning to the chiller).
Pressure at pump discharge. See Pressure Tables in the Appendix for Evaporator and Condenser pressure drops.
* Optional
MODEL A1-1.5 A1-2.25 A1-3.25 A1-4 A1-5 A1-7.5 A1-10 A1-13
Performance characteristics
, tons 1.18 1.79 2.77 3.62 4.27 6.06 8.75 10.95
Compressor Hp{kW} 1.5 {1.1} 2.25 {1.7} 3.25 {2.4} 4 {3} 5 {3.7} 7.5 {5.6} 10 {7.5} 13 {}
Pump Hp {kW}
60 Hz 0.75 {0.6} 0.75 {0.6} 1 {.8} 1 {.8} 1.5 {1.1} 1.5 {1.1} 1.5 {1.1} 2 {1.5}
50 Hz 1.5 {1.1} 1.5 {1.1} 1.5 {1.1} 2 {1.5} 2 {1.5} 2 {1.5} 2 {1.5} 2 {1.5}
Chilled water flow
, gpm {lpm} 5.7 {21.6} 8.6 {32.6} 6.7 {25.4} 8.7 {32.9} 10.2 {38.6} 14.5 {54.9} 21.0 {79.5} 26.3 {99.6}
Chilled water pressure
, psi {bar} 29.6 {2.0} 28.5 {2.0} 35.9 {2.5} 33.9 {2.3} 42.4 {2.9} 36.9 {2.5} 31.6 {2.2} 36.1 {2.5}
Reservoir capacity, gal {l} 8.8 {33.3} 15 {57} 15 {57} 15 {57} 15 {57} 25 {95} 25 {95} 25 {95}
Condenser fans 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 4
Condenser fan power Hp {kW} 0.17 {0.13} 0.17 {0.13} 0.17 {0.13} 0.25 {0.19} 0.25 {0.19} 0.5 {0.4} 0.5 {0.4} 0.5 {0.4}
Condenser air flow 1050 1704 2420 4237 4237 5300 5300 9800
ft3/min {liters/min} {29,732} {48,250} {68,525} {119,975} {119,975} {150,075} {150,075} {277,505}
Dimensions in {mm}
A-Height 49 {1245} 49 {1245} 53.5 {1359} 71 {1524} 75 {1905}
B-Width 34 {864} 34 {864} 34 {864} 34 {864} 34 {864}
C-Length 39.5 {1003} 45.5 {1156} 55 {1397} 55 {1397} 55 {1397}
Weight lb {kg}
610 {277} 830 {376} 830 {376} 1030 {467} 1030 {467} 1230 {558} 1230 {558} 1440
Shipped 750 {340}
1000 {454} 1000 {454} 1200 {544} 1200 {544} 1400 {635} 1600 {726} 1800 {816}
Utility requirements
Process connections in 1 1.5
Power consumption amps run full run full run full run full run full run full run full run full
230V/3 phase/60hz* 11.0 19.6 13.3 20.8 18.6 32.2 23.7 33.3 27.8 40.1 38.6 47.2 47.2 62.7 57.4 76.9
220V/3 phase/50hz* 14.7 23.6 17.1 24.8 21.5 35.5 27.7 37.6 29.9 42.6 41.2 50.0 50.2 66.1 60.0 79.9
460V/3 phase/60hz 5.3 8.9 6.5 9.4 9.0 14.6 11.6 15.1 13.5 18.2 18.9 21.4 23.2 28.4 28.3 34.8
400v/3 phase/50hz* 7.7 11.8 9.0 12.4 11.4 17.8 14.8 18.8 16.0 21.3 22.2 25.0 27.2 33.0 32.6 40.0
575V/3 phase/60hz* 4.2 7.1 5.2 7.5 7.2 11.7 9.3 12.1 10.8 14.5 15.1 17.1 18.6 22.7 22.6 27.8