The CX3000 installs in the air-inlet side of any heating and air condi-
tioning system, up to five tons in size. Operation of the air-handler fan
unit is required for air purification and sterilization to take place.
Note: The ultraviolet lamps are wired to operate continuously. This fea-
ture allows the catalyst to burn off surface impurities, while cleaning and
reactivating itself during periods of no airflow. The cost of operation is
less than .07 cents per day. See operating cost section.
The CX3000 combines three unique technologies to protect people
against indoor air pollutants. Photo-Catalytic Titanium Oxidation, com-
bined with high efficiency electrostatic MERV-11 particulate filtration,
and germicidal ultraviolet lights, quickly reduce and eliminate toxic gas
phase chemicals, lung damaging dust and airborne germs from the living
Many new homes have smart programmable thermostats that allow for
automatic operation of the air-handler fan unit when there is no demand
for heating or air conditioning. It is important that the CX3000 operates
at least (25) minutes per hour (24) hours per day to remove toxic mate-
rials from the indoor environment.
The length of operation depends on the location of the home or office in
relation to point source pollution such as refineries, processing plants,
automobile traffic, and areas that produce high levels of pollen.
Individuals that are sensitive to mold spores, dust mites and chemicals, or
have respiratory problems such as asthma, emphysema, and chronic aller-
gies, should extend the run time to at least (40) minutes per hour.
To obtain maximum benefit from the CX3000 air purification system, it is
recommended that the air-handler fan be set to run continuously.
(Based on 3000 sq. ft.)
Fan unit on 10 minutes per hour Air cycled (1) -------- times per hour
Fan unit on 15 minutes per hour Air cycled (1.3) ------ times per hour
Fan unit on 20 minutes per hour Air cycled (1.75) ---- times per hour
Fan unit on 30 minutes per hour Air cycled (2.62) ---- times per hour
Fan unit on 10 minutes per hour Air cycled (24) ------- times per day
Fan unit on 15 minutes per hour Air cycled (31) ------- times per day
Fan unit on 20 minutes per hour Air cycled (42) ------- times per day
Fan unit on 30 minutes per hour Air cycled (63) ------- times per day
Note: In the event the existing thermostat does not have the capability to
operate the air-handler fan unit independently of a demand for heating or
air-conditioning, it is highly recommended that an (Air Cycler) be
This device is simply wired in parallel with the existing thermostat wire
and can be programmed to turn on the air handler fan unit for any desired
interval. A memory tracks the time the fan unit operates every hour and
only cycles the fan unit that hour if normal requirements for heating and
air conditioning have not cycled the fan unit long enough to meet air
purification requirements.
The Air Cycler can be sourced from Shelter Supply, Lakeville, MN (1-800-
762-8399) or (www.Air Cycler.com) on the web.
Electricity cost
per kilowatt hour .06 kw hr. .08 kw hr. .10 kw hr
CX3000 (32.25 kw hours)
per month = $1.93 $2.58 $3.22
During periods where the fan unit is being operated for the sole purpose
of air purification, running a 1/2 horsepower fan unit will add approxi-
mately $5.36 per month to the normal operating cost. However, this cost
is easily offset in savings on medication, doctors office visits, mechanical
maintenance and cleaning of fan units, refrigeration coils, dirty air ducts,
and last but not least, less house cleaning.