Cookshack Model 250/260 SmartSmoker Oven 2 Ver. 07.1
Dear Cookshack Customer:
Your Model 250 or 260 Cookshack SmartSmoker® oven will produce great barbecue and smoked foods. It is
easy to operate, clean, and maintain. Use this Operator's Manual to familiarize yourself with the smoker and its
operation. If you have a question or problem not covered in the book, call us at 1.800.423.0698 Monday through
Friday, 9am to 4 pm or e-mail us at info@cookshack.com
. You can also join the Cookshack Barbecue Forum on
our website at www.cookshack.com which has high participation by both Cookshack customers and staff.
Read the following instructions thoroughly and completely before using your smoker! Observe the instructions
carefully. Be certain that you understand completely how it operates before attempting to use it.
This smoker oven is intended for use as a food smoker. It generates heat from an electric heating element. It is not
intended for any use not specifically described in this manual. Misuse of this smoker can result in serious injury
and a fire hazard.
With those cautions in mind, enjoy your smoker and the delicious foods it will produce.
The Folks at Cookshack
Sales & Customer Service: 580-765-3669
Toll Free Orders: 800-423-0698
24 Hr. Fax: 580-765-2223
You must observe safe operating practices when using the smoker. It is an
electrical appliance, and is therefore potentially dangerous! Cookshack,
Inc., assumes no responsibility for results of careless and dangerous opera-
tion of Cookshack smokers or other products. All warranties are null and
void if the practices described in the Operator's Manual are not observed.