to the stop washer on the inlet guide. See figure 6.
,_ WARNING: This flap control rod is a safety
device to hold the flap in place inside the
hopper while shredding branches. Do not
operate the chipper-shredder without
properly attaching this flap control rod.
Attach flap
control rod f
and hex nuts that you earlier removed• Do not
tighten the nuts at this time. Make sure to place
the cupped side of the washer against the
chipper chute.
• Align the holes towards the front opening of the
chute with the holes on the brace. See figure 7.
• Insert one each of the hex bolts, lock nuts, and
flat washers (that you earlier removed) through
each hole inthe chute and the brace. Tighten
these bolts to secure brace to the chute.
• Tighten bolts securingthe brace tothe lower
frame. These boltshad been removed earlier.
• Tighten the three nuts on the weld studs.
Weld Stud
Weld Stud
Flap Control
* Do notremovethese hardwarefromthe inletguide
assembly whileattachingthe flap controlrod.
Figure 6
• Raise the hopper till it clicks into position.
• Unscrew the shoulder bolt from the stop washer
on the inlet guide. See figure 6.
• Align the loose end of the flap control rodwith
the stop washer on the inlet guide.
• Slide the shoulder bolt through the opening in
the flap control rod. Secure tightly. See figure 6.
• Your unit is shipped with one end of the brace
already secured tothe lowerframe. Loosen the
bolts securing the brace to the frame.
• Remove the three cupped washers and hex
nuts from the weld studs beside the opening on
the left side of the housing. See figure 7.
• Remove the two sets of hex bolt, lock nut, and
flat washer from the two holes on the upper end
of the brace as shown in figure 7.
• Place the chipper chute over the weld studs so
the sloton the chute istowards the bottom. Align
the three holes at the bottom of the chute with
the three weld studs.
• Secure with the three pairs of cupped washers
Figure 7
Your chipper-shredder isequipped with a catcher bag
to catch the shredded material.
• To attach the bag, place the bag opening over
the discharge chute so it completely covers the
discharge chute and goes over the chute
• Depress the plunger on the draw-string, and pull
on the drew-string until the bag is tight around
the chute opening. Release plunger to lockit into
position. See figure 8.
Figure 8