This symbol points out important safety instructions which, if not followed, could endanger the per-
sonal safety and/or property of yourself and others. Read and follow all instructions inthis manual before
attempting to operate yourchipper shredder. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in per-
sonal injury.When you see this symbol-heed its warning.
Your chipper-shredder was builtto be operated according to the rules for safe operation in /
RAN P_I=R- this manual. As withany type of power equipment, carelessness or error on the pert of the oper- /
.......... ator can result in serious injury. If you violate any of these rules, you may cause serious /
injury to yourself or others. /
,_ WARNING: The Engine Exhaustfrom this product containschemicalsknowntothe State ofCalifornia
tocause cancer, birthdefectsorotherreproductiveharm.
Read thisowner's guidecarefullyinitsentiretybefore
attemptingtoassemble thismachine. Read,
understand,and follow allinstructionsonthe machine
and inthe manual(s) beforeoperation. Becompletely
familiar withthe controlsand the properuseofthe
machinebefore operatingit. Keep thismanual ina
safe placefor future andregular referenceandfor
orderingreplacement parts.
Your chipper-shredderisa powerful tool,nota
plaything. Therefore, exerciseextreme cautionat all
times. Yourunit hasbeen designedtoperformtwo
jobs;to chipand shredvegetationfound ina normal
yard. Do notuse itfor anyother purpose.
Never allowchildrenunderage 16 tooperate the unit.
Children16 years andoldershouldonlyoperate the
unitunderclose parentalsupervision.Only
responsibleindividualswho are familiar withthese
rulesofsafe operationshouldbe allowedtouse your
Keep the area ofoperationclearofall persons,
particularlysmallchildrenandpets. Stopthe engine
whentheyare inthe vicinityof the unit. Keepwork
area cleanand clearofbranchesor obstacleswhich
could cause you tostumbleor fall.
When feeding material intothisequipment, be
extremelycarefulthat piecesofmetal, rocks,bottles,
cans or otherforeign objectsarenotincluded.
Personal injuryordamage tothe machine couldresult.
Alwayswear safetyglasses or safetygoggles,during
operationand while performinganadjustmentor
repair,toprotecteyesfrom foreign objectsthatmay be
thrownfrom the machine.
Wear sturdy,reugh-soled workshoes andclosefitting
slacksand shirt. Shirt andslacksthat coverthe arms
and legs andsteel-tood shoesare recommended. Do
notwear loosefitting clothesorjewelryandsecure hair
soit is above shoulderlength. They can becaughtin
movingparts. Never operate aunitin barefeet,
sandalsor sneakers. Wear glovsswhen feeding
matedal inthe chipperchuteorshredder hopper.
Never placeyourhands,feet, orany partof yourbody
intothe shredderhopper,chipperchute,discharge
opening,or near anymovingpartwhilethe engine is
running. Keep clearofthe dischargeopeningat all
times. Ifit becomes necassarytopushmatedal into
the chipperchuteorshredder hopper,usea small
diameterstick,NOT YOUR HANDS.
If itisnecessaryfor any reasonto unclogthefeed
intakeordischargeopeningsorto inspectorrepair any
partofthe machinewhere a movingpartcan come in
contact withyour bodyorclothing,stopthe machine,
allowitto cool,disconnectthe sparkplugwirefrom the
sparkplugand move itaway from the sparkplug
before attemptingtounclog, inspector repair.
Donot operate unitwhileunderthe influence ofalcohol
or drugs.
The machine shouldonlybeoperated ona level
surface. Neveroperate yourunitona slippery,wet,
muddyor icysurface. Keep yourworkarea cleanand
clear ofbranchesorobstacleswhichcould causeyou
to stumbleand fall. Do notoverreach. Maintaining
properfooting and balanceis essentialtopreventing
Do notallowan accumulationofprocessedmaterialto
buildupinthe dischargearea as thiswillprevent
properdischargeandcan resultin kick-backfrom the
Keepyourface and bodybackfrom chipperchute to
avoidaccidentalbounceback ofany material.
Do nottransportmachine whileengine isrunning.
Ifthe cuttingmechanismstdkesaforeign objector if
your machineshouldstart makinganunusualnoiseor
vibration,immediately stopthe engineand allowthe
machine tocome to a complete stop. Disconnectthe
sparkplugwire andmove itawayfrom the sparkplug.
Take thefollowing steps.
a. Inspectfor damage.
b. Repairor replaceany damaged parts.
o. Check for any loosepartsand tighten toassure
continuedsafe operation.
Never attempttoattachor remove catcher bagwhen
engine isrunning. Shutthe engineoff andwaitfor the