Engine faits to start
Loss of power;
operation erratic
Engine overheats
Too much vibration
Unit does not
Rate of discharge
slows considerably or
composition of
discharged material
e Fuel tank empty, or stale fuel,
® Spark plug wire disconnected.
• Faulty spark plug.
e Spark plug wire loose.
• Unit running on CHOKE.
® Blocked fuel line or stale fuel
e Water or dirt in fuel system
e Carburetor out of adjustment
® Dirty air cleaner,
e Carburetor not adjusted e Contact your SEARS Service Center_
e Engine oi_ level Iow. e Fill crankcase with proper oil,
• Loose parts or damaged e Stop engine immediately and disconnect
impeller spark piug wire Tighten all bolts and nuts_
Discharge ChUteClOgged
• Foreign object lodged in impefler,
• Shredding blade and/or chipper
blades dull.
• Fill tank with clean, fresh fuel
e Connect wire to spark plug.
e Clean, adjust gap or replace.
• Connect and tighten spark plug wire
e Move choke lever to OFF position.
• Clean fuel fine; fill tank with clean
fresh gasoline,
• Disconnect fuel line at carburetor to drain fuel
tank, Refill with fresh fuel
e Adjust carburetor or contact your SEARS
Service Center°
e Service air cleaner. See Customer Responsibilities
section of this manual.
Make ail necessary repairs If vibration continues,
have unit serviced by a SEARS Service Center.
e Stop engine immediately and disconnect
spark plug wire Clean flail screen and inside
of blower housing See Service/Adjustments
section of this manual
e Stop engine immediately and disconnect
spark plug wire. Remove lodged object.
e Sharpen or replace shredding and chipper
NOTE: For repairs beyond the minor adjustments listed above, please contact your nearest SEARS Service Center,
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Each chipper-shredder has its own model number *ENGINE MODEL NO. - 135212-0272-01
Each engine has its own model number 135212-0140-01
The model number for your chipper-shredder will be *PART NUMBER
found on a label attached to the frame° *PART DESCRIPTION
The model number for the engine wil! be found on the Your Sears merchandise has added value when you
blower housing of the engine, consider that Sears has service units nationwide
All parts listed herein may be ordered through Sears, staffed with Sears trained technicians, .professional
Roebuck and Co, Service Centers and most Retail technicians specifically trained on Sears products,
Stores. having the parts, tools and the equipment to insure
WHEN ORDERING REPAIR PARTS, ALWAYS GIVE that we meet our pledge to you. ,"we service what we
*PRODUCT - "5 H.P. Chipper-Shredder"
*MODEL NUMBER - 247.797854