Ifnecessary,replacepaper filter(do notattempt
to clean). Installnewfilter on base.
Installcoverand wingnut.
Clean Engine
Clean engine periodically. Removedirt and
debris with a clothor brush.
Frequently remove grass clippings, dirt and
debris from cooling fins,air intake screen and
levers and linkage. See figure 14. This willhelp
ensure adequate cooling and correct engine
Clean cooling
Figure 14
Yearly orevery25 hours, whicheveroccursfirst,
removethe blower housing and clean the areas
shownin figure14 to avoidoverspeeding,
overheatingand engine damage.Clean more
NOTE: Cleaning witha forceful spray ofwater isnot
recommended as watercouldcontaminatethefuel
WARNING: Temperature of muffler andnearbyareas may exceed 150° F(65°C).
Spark Plug
Clean the spark plug and reset the gap to.030"
at least once a season or every 50 hours of
operation. See figure 15.Spark plug
replacement is recommended atthe start of
each season. Referto engine parts list for
correct spark plug type.
' Feeler (
Figure 15
NOTE: Do not sandblast spark plug. Spark plug
shouldbecleaned byscrapingor wire brushing and
washingwitha commercialsolvent.
WARNING: Donot operate the chipper-
shredder without a muffler, or tamperwith
the exhaustsystem.Damaged mufflersor
spark arresterscouldcreate a fire hazard.
Inspectperiodically, and replace if necessary. If
your engine isequipped with a spark arrester
screen assembly, remove every 50 hours for
cleaning and inspection. Replace ifdamaged.
WARNING: Always stop engine,
disconnect spark plug wire, and move it
away fromspark plugbeforeperformingany
adjustmentsor repairs.
Lubricate the pivot points on the release bar, hopper
assembly, chute deflector and chipper chute once a
season using a light oil. See figure 16
Figure 16: Lubrication Chart