This attachment was available when the chipper/vac was purchasedĀ° It is available at most Sears retail outlets and
service centers. Most Sears stores can also order repair parts for you, when you provide the model number of your
The optional vacuum hose attachment allows you to
extend the reach of the machine by 10 feet to easily
reach in, around, under and behind bushes, shrubs,
trees, fences, lawn furniture, etc. If you purchased a
vacuum hose with the chipper/vac, you will find it
packaged in a separate cartonĀ°
Instructions for insta!iation and use of the vacuum hose
are presented in this Manual. See "Vacuum Hose
Operation" on Page t4.
Optional vacuum hose and baffle plate,
(Stock No. 71-85689)
Engine accessories such as gas cans, engine oil, and replacement spark plugs are also available at your local Sears
service center and most Sears retail outlets.