
PR 4500 Series
Technical Information
Fork Assembly
Fork width - 9.12" on standard-tip
fork models, 10" on extended-tip
fork models. Fork spread - 22"
and 27" on standard-tip models.
23" - 26" spread available in one
inch increments. 23" and 28"
standard on extended-tip models.
Fork spreads from 24"-27" avail-
able in one-inch increments.
Fork lengths - 36", 42", 48", 54",
60", 96" with standard-tip; 84",
93", and 96" forks available with
extended-tip design for shorter
To facilitate pallet entry/exit
Crown has engineered several
features into their fork assembly.
Standard-tip forks have pallet
entry rollers to lift fork over
bottom board of pallet. Rollers
are made of high molecular
weight polyethylene with .75"
axle and roll pin.
Extended-tip fork design has
totally enclosed tip with full length
convex bottom surface creating
an entry ramp. Ramp design
helps fork glide over bottom
boards of pallet and keeps welded
edges from touching boards
of pallet.
Abrasion resistant steel entry/exit
slides on both sides of each fork
which have convex bottom
surfaces to prevent snagging as
forks move over bottom boards
of pallet. One piece design with
radial edges are welded away
from contact point of slide.
Exit roller design prevents load
wheel from dropping after cross-
ing bottom board. The 3" wide,
steel exit roller is positioned
directly behind the load wheel
to keep the fork rolling. Entry/exit
slide design also assists in
trouble-free pallet entry/exit.
Fork adjustability is done at the
toe with no need to remove a
cover plate. Fork heel height ad-
justment is done quickly without
removing battery. Quick and
easy fork adjustment promotes
servicing of fork assembly to
keep pallet entry/exit productive.
Pull rod design incorporates
a replaceable “tenon” for fast
servicing of pull rod while still in
the truck. Damage related to
impacts is limited to the replaceable
“tenon”, not the entire pull rod.
Power Unit Structure
Heavy gage steel is used in the
platform and power unit skirt with
additional steel reinforcement
where needed.
The power unit door and motor
cover also utilize heavy steel for
protection of critical components
and long term durability. The
power unit door swings out for
easy access to components.
e-GEN™ Braking System
Variable regenerative motor
braking is optimized and virtually
eliminates brake maintenance.
When the truck is traveling, if
the operator releases the brake
pedal, removes travel input
request or reverses direction
e-GEN braking is applied.
The closed loop Access 1 2 3
traction control will keep the
truck static until a travel input is
requested, even when operating
on a grade.
Automatic electric parking brake
activates when the operator
releases the brake pedal and the
truck has been stationary for four
seconds, the truck is keyed off,
or the battery has been
Pallet Planning Guide
On standard-tip fork models, the
load wheel will drop in the second
opening of the pallet when “A” or
“B” dimension equals the nominal
fork length. On extended-tip fork
models, the load wheel will drop
in the first opening of the second
pallet. On models with a single
load wheel, the “C” dimension
should be 6" maximum and the
“D” dimension should be 14"
minimum. On models with tandem
load wheels, the “C” dimension
should be 6" maximum and the
“D” dimension should be 17"
minimum. Customers that need
tandem load wheel trucks, but
use pallets with smaller openings,
may be accommodated if the
maximum lift height of the truck
is reduced. Contact your local
Crown dealer for details.
Other Options
1. Audible travel alarm
2. Flashing lights
Safety considerations and
dangers associated with audible
travel alarms and flashing lights
Multiple alarms and/or lights
can cause confusion.
Workers may ignore the
alarms and/or lights after
day-in and day-out exposure.
Operator may transfer the
responsibility for “looking out”
to the pedestrians.
Annoys operators and
Dimensions and performance
data given may vary due to
manufacturing tolerances.
Performance is based on an
average size vehicle and is
affected by weight, condition of
truck, how it is equipped and
the conditions of the operating
area. Crown products and
specifications are subject to
change without notice.