25se c t i O n 6 — Ma i n t e n a n c e & ad j u s t M e n t s
Figure 6-10
Lock Nut
Shoulder Bolt
Deck Wheel
Figure 6-9
Setting the Deck Wheels
Move the tractor on a firm and level surface, preferably
pavement, and proceed as follows
the deck lift pedal in the normally desired mowing height
Check the deck wheels for contact or excessive clearance 2.
with the surface below. The deck wheels should have
If the deck wheels have excessive clearance or contact with
the surface, adjust as follows:
Raise the deck lift pedal to its highest setting.a.
Remove the front and rear deck wheels by removing b.
the lock nuts and shoulder bolts which secure them
height setting.
Reinsert the shoulder bolts (with each gauge wheel) d.
into the index hole that leaves approximately
½-inch between the bottom of the wheel and the
Adjusting the Seat
To adjust the position of the seat, push the seat adjustment lever
position; then release the adjustment lever. Make sure seat is
Parking Brake Adjustment
If the tractor does not come to a complete stop when the brake
roll with the parking brake applied (and the hydrostatic relief
Cadet dealer to have the brake properly adjusted.