24 se c t i O n 11 — tr O u b l e s h O O t i n g
Problem Cause(s)
Engine overheats Air cleaner element missing or plugged.1.
Engine oil low.2.
Engine operated too long at slow engine speed.3.
Engine knocks Low engine speed.1.
Stale or low octane fuel.2.
Engine overloaded.3.
Engine loses power Engine overheating.1.
Too much oil in engine.2.
Faulty spark plug.3.
Fuel supply being restricted.4.
Fuel filter plugged.5.
Fuel line pinched or kinked.6.
Fuel pump output not adjusted to specification.7.
Improper fuel.8.
Air cleaner element plugged.9.
Starter does not work Loose or corroded connections.1.
Low battery output2.
Sulfate or worn-out battery.3.
Faulty starter.4.
Starter cranks slowly Low battery output.1.
Sulfated or worn-out battery.2.
Engine oil too heavy.3.
Loose or corroded connections.4.
Entire electrical system does not work Blown fuse.1.
Loose or corroded connections.2.
Sulfated or worn-out battery.3.
Dead battery Shorted starter solenoid.1.
Key switch not turned to STOP position.2.
Sulfated or worn-out battery.3.
Battery light comes on when engine is
Low engine speed.1.
Faulty voltage regulator.2.
Faulty battery.3.
Faulty alternator4.
Grounded wire in circuit.5.
Indicator lights do not come on when key
switch is in START position
Faulty bulb.1.
Faulty wiring.2.
Faulty sensor.3.
Continued on next page