Flywheel Adjustment
Chain tension/Flywheel Alignment
Over time, the chain on your CycleOps IC will stretch due to the load applied to it. The following instructions will aid you in prop-
erly tensioning the chain and aligning the fl ywheel in the frame of the CycleOps IC. CAUTION: Improper chain adjustment will
cause premature wear and may void the warranty. ** CAUTION: NEVER put hands into or near the drive train while it is motion! **
Move the crank arms back and forth. If
there is more than 1/2” movement in the
chain before the fl ywheel rotates, the
chain needs to be re-adjusted.
Using a 3mm Allen wrench, remove the
chain guard bolts (3).
Use a 17mm cone wrench to hold the
axle locking nuts into place. Do not turn
the wrench, it is only to be used as a sta-
bilizer. With your other hand, use a 15mm
box wrench to loosen the acorn nuts on
the axle. Repeat this process on each side
of the fl ywheel.
Once the acorn nuts are loose, you can ad-
just the alignment of the fl ywheel as well
as the chain tension. Using a 10 mm box
wrench, adjust the tensioning hardware
until the desired chain tension is achieved
evenly on both sides.
Check the alignment of the fl ywheel
against the seat post of the CycleOps
IC. Once the proper tension had been
achieved and the fl ywheel is properly
aligned, tighten the Acorn nuts to 75
Be sure to make small adjustments to the drive train. Adjust both sides of the tensioning hardware. Only adjusting one side will
lead to improper fl ywheel alignment and unwanted drive train wear and/or noise. Adjusting the tension/alignment is a diffi cult
task and improper adjustment can lead to premature chain/cog wear. This is not covered under warranty. The chain tension has
been adjusted properly when there is little or no play felt when the pedals are rocked back and forth.
10 mm chain
Axle Lock