
Key Features
o Loss less Capture
The DV Bank allows you to record live to disk while shooting.
o Random Access
Instant navigation from clip to clip; you no longer need to shuttle through
hours of unwanted tape footage.
o Compact Size
The DV Bank’s reduced size and low weight make it ideal for field use and
mobile and location production set-ups while also minimizing the use of
your valuable, limited studio space.
o Rugged and Reliable
Unlike competing products, the DV Bank is a stand-alone, “appliance-like”
product that’s fully integrated and includes everything you need for
professional DV video record, edit, and playback applications. DV Bank’s
integrated approach eliminates potential compatibility issues that arise
from customer installation of hard drives and computer-interfaced DV
recording systems while enhancing ruggedness and portability.
o Easy to Use
The DV Bank is as easy to use as a VTR. Its simple VTR-style controls are
located on the front panel with a highly readable LCD that clearly shows
mode, time code, and file information.
o Control from a Mac or PC
You can also manage the DV Bank directly from a Macintosh or a PC just
like your FireWire (IEEE-1394) DV camcorder. Virtually all PC or Macintosh
software that supports the industry standard AV/C command set can
control the DV Bank adding a full-range of capabilities for capture and edit
o Simultaneous Record/View
DV Bank allows you to easily record a DV file while simultaneously