
Front Panel Operation
Scroll Navigation - This navigation is used in the Utility menus, as well as in storing, recalling and delet-
ing presets. It is very useful for finding menu offerings that are located within another sub-menu. For
example, the RTA mic pre gain is located within the Gain/Trim sub-menu of the Utility.
Page Navigation - This is the easiest and most common type of navigation within the DriveRack 4800.
Page navigation is used when there are several pages of parameters that need to be accessed. An example of
Page navigation is found in the Compressor editor where there are three pages of parameters and the NEXT
and PREV PAGE buttons are used to move between these pages.
The standard mode of operation of the DriveRack 4800 is Edit Preset (or Edit) mode. This mode is the
gateway to all editing and is the only “location” from which all the other modes can be accessed. This mode
can be returned to from any other mode or menu by pressing the PRESET button. Pressing the PRESET
button returns you to the main preset screen that shows the signal path through the unit and all the cur-
rent processing functions. Additionally, this main preset screen in Edit mode is the safe or home page; all
changes to the system (editing, recalling, storing, deleting, etc.) require button presses to access these menus.
The DriveRack 4800 defaults to this screen and mode upon startup, and returns to this mode when exit-
ing from all the other modes and menus including: Recall Preset, Store Preset, Delete Preset, Copy/Paste,
Utility, Meter, Wizard, and Configuration. These other modes and/or menus are indicated by either a but-
ton with normal text (White on Black), or by a button with reversed text (Black on White). The function
in normal text is the standard mode, accessed by pressing the button, while the function in reversed text is
the alternate mode, and is accessed by pressing and holding the button for more than two seconds. An
example of this is the STORE/DELETE button, where Store Preset is the standard mode that is found by
pressing the button, and Delete Preset is the alternate mode that is accessed by pressing and holding for
more than two seconds.
3.2 - Modes of Operation
Section 3
4800/4820 User Manual