dCS 954 User Manual Manual for Standard Software Version 1.5x
dCS Ltd June 2000
Manual part no: DOC136954 iss 2B1
Page 81
file 135954ma2b1.pdf available from website
on + 44 1799 531 999 email to: more@dcsltd.co.uk
(inside the UK replace + 44 with 0) web site: www.dcsltd.co.uk
This manual is for standard software version 1.5x and P3D unit software v1.36.
v1.5x differs from earlier standard software v1.3x and P3D software pre 1.36 in
having a more friendly menu structure, with readback on current settings without
having to change the settings, and supporting SDIF-3 for DSD.
Definitions of Units
dB0 Level in decibels, referred to a full scale sine wave
in a sampled system. So, 0 dB0 is full scale.
dBu Level in decibels, referred to a 0.775V rms sine
wave, with no external loading (u = unloaded).
The level of 0.775V is derived from the older dBm,
for which the reference level is 1mW of signal
power into a 600Ω termination from an output with
600Ω source impedance.
dBV Level in decibels, referred to a 1.0V rms sine wave,
with no external loading.
kS/s Sample rate in kilo-samples per second. This
replaces kHz which is technically incorrect when
referring to sample rates.
ADC Analogue to Digital converter, also known as an
DAC Digital to Analogue converter, also known as a D/A
DDC Digital to Digital converter – used for format
conversion and some DSP operations that change
the data.