dCS 974 User Manual Manual for Software Version 1.0x
dCS Ltd May 2001
Manual part no: DOC1241121A1
Page 122
Document No: OS-MA-A0124-112.1A1
on + 44 1799 531 999 email to: more@dcsltd.co.uk
(inside the UK replace + 44 with 0) web site: www.dcsltd.co.uk
“Invalid Fs Out for Fs In” message.
• You have selected a combination that cannot be handled in one pass - see
the table in the section Output Sample Rate on page 43 for valid single
pass combinations. Choose an intermediate sample rate and convert in two
passes. For example, if you need to convert from 32 kS/s to 11.025 kS/s,
first convert to 44.1 kS/s and record then convert the recording from
44.1 kS/s to 11.025 kS/s.
• While changing frequencies, you have accidentally selected an intermediate
combination that cannot be handled in one pass. Press Set and choose a
valid Input or Output Sample Rate (as appropriate) from the list.
The Customise Display menu will not allow another option to be set.
• If you check the list you should find that the maximum of 5 parameters are
already marked with a
. Remove one you do not need and try again.