Toolkit Components Purpose
RaidcfgErrorCodes.txt Lists the error codes and messages for the raidcfg tool.
stsvc.ini Configuration file used by raidcfg.
• Reports and configures BIOS, BMC, and DRAC.
• Maintains the system state between reboots.
• Reports hardware devices and other system-related information.
SyscfgErrorCodes.txt Lists the error codes and messages for the syscfg tool.
sys.ini A .ini file used with syscfg.
UpinitErrorCodes.txt Lists the error codes and messages for upinit.sh.
Sample Configuration Files For Windows
The following table describes examples of Windows configuration files used to perform a scripted
deployment. The Windows files for 32-bit and 64-bit supported systems are located in the following
• \Dell\x32\Toolkit\Template\Configs
• \Dell\x64\Toolkit\Template\Configs
NOTE: All configuration files are provided as examples only. These sample configuration files must
be edited before they can be used in any deployment tasks.
Table 8. Sample Configuration Files for Windows
Purpose Location
Sample configuration file for DRAC 4 remote
access controllers.
Sample output file to enable RAID replication. \Toolkit\Systems\<system>
Sample file used to start the racsvc and
mr2kserv services.
Sample file to add support for Dell mass
storage drivers.
Sample Configuration Files For Linux
The following table describes examples of Linux configuration files used to perform a scripted
deployment. The Linux files are located at opt/dell/toolkit/template/configs.
NOTE: All configuration files are provided as examples only. The sample configuration files must be
edited before they can be used in any deployment tasks.