
4. PBX Systems
5. Press <ESC>4 to commit to the changes.
6. Assign a COS to the desired station(s) from main menu option System
Forms | Form Menus | Class of Service Options Assignments.
7. Select Dependents | Station Service Assignments and edit this form.
8. For each station, enter the desired COS number (based on the COS setup
9. Press <ESC>4 to save the changes.
Mitel SX-50 PBX Programming Requirements for using MWI:
If you are using a Mitel SX-50 and wish to use the set Message Waiting
Indicators (MWI) feature, the Dialogic
PBX Integration Board must enable
Auxiliary Attendant capabilities, and a line key must be set to act as the
Attendant Console MWI. To configure MWI on a Mitel Superswitch:
Enable Auxiliary Attendant capabilities.
Configure Personal Key 02 (see
Figure 8) to act as an Attendant Console
Message Waiting Indicator key.
See the Mitel manuals for more information on programming a Superswitch.
Configuring a COS to Have Enhanced Auxiliary Attendant Capabilities:
1. From an attendant console, enter Programming Mode.
2. Enter the Command Number corresponding to the COS to which you
want to add Auxiliary Attendant capabilities. Use commands 121 through
129 for COS 1 through COS 9. For example, if you want to change COS
9, use Command Number 129.
3. Set register 7, field “d” (Auxiliary Attendant Position) to 1 (enable
Auxiliary Attendant Position) for the desired COS (1 - 9). The illustration
below shows the Auxiliary Attendant feature enabled on COS 9.