Application Training (on Site)
Many of our products feature extensive
operational options. In the fast moving
world of high technology and software
development our experienced training
team offer cost effective solutions for all
your staff’s needs.
Whether training is required for one person
or a group of people, Cranlea have a
training package to suit every situation.
For Staff training costs please contact us
Equipment Servicing
We offer a variety of service options
including routine, preventative
maintenance and fully inclusive
extended warranty packages.
For further details on any of these options
please contact our Service Team
Equipment Calibration
We understand that a lot of research
work is done using cycle ergometers,
treadmills and metabolic systems.
Although these products are manufactured
to the highest standards they still require
periodic checks and calibration.
The equipment required to carry out such
tests is often expensive and in most situations
not cost effective to purchase outright.
Cranlea’s Service department have all the
necessary calibration equipment to take
care of this for you, leaving you confident
that all your research is being conducted
with accurate technology.
Ergometer Calibration
Using the latest LODE portable calibrator
we offer full calibrations on all models of
ergometers, both mechanical and electronic.
The calibration can be performed within a
range of 30 – 1000 watt.
Treadmill Calibration
Using the latest equipment for the
calibration of speed, inclination, distance
and heart rate we offer a full calibration
service on all treadmills.
Calibration per unit
£150 + expenses + VAT
Calibration of 3 or more units
£100 + expenses + VAT per unit
Metabolic Calibration
There are many reasons why stress
testing systems can give inaccurate
measurements. Such as blocked sample
lines, faulty gas analysers, faulty volume
transducers etc.
Our new dynamic Metabolic Calibration
system can precisely test your system at
varying ventilation and flow rates, together
with precise values of VO2, VCO2 and
respiratory exchange ratio.
Calibration per unit
£200 + expenses + VAT
All of the above Ergometer and Metabolic
Calibrations include a FULL Calibration