Once the second page of parameters has been accessed, the display will look something like this:
The display is now telling you four more things about the Chorus parameters.
1. This is the input level of the Chorus effect. The number one icon is indicating that you must press the number one button to access the
effect level parameter. You can then rotate the Data Wheel to change the value of the effect level.
2. This is the level of the Dry signal being mixed in with the Chorus effect. The number three icon is indicating that you must press the
number three button to access the Dry level parameter. You can then rotate the Data Wheel to change the value of the Dry level.
3. This is the left/right Balance parameter of the Chorus effect. The number four icon is indicating that you must press the number four
button to access the Balance parameter. You can then rotate the Data Wheel to change the value of the Balance.
4. There are 5 pages of parameters associated with the Chorus, and you are currently on the second page. Pressing the Next Page button will
advance to the third page.
Once the third page of parameters has been accessed, the display will look something like this:
The display is now telling you four more things about the Chorus parameters.
1. This is the Speed of the Chorus effect. The number one icon is indicating that you must press the number one button to access the Speed
parameter. You can then rotate the Data Wheel to change the value of the Speed.
2. This is the Depth of the Chorus effect. The number two icon is indicating that you must press the number two button to access the Depth
parameter. You can then rotate the Data Wheel to change the value of the Depth.
3. This is the Wave Form parameter of the Chorus effect. The number four icon is indicating that you must press the number four button to
access the Wave Form parameter. You can then rotate the Data Wheel to select a different Wave Form.
4. There are 5 pages of parameters associated with the Chorus, and you are currently on the third page. Pressing the Next Page button will
advance to the fourth page.
Once the fourth page of parameters has been accessed, the display will look something like this: