User Safety Information Outdoors, Studio & general use
Because a portable Ringflash is frequently used «on location» please be aware of the
danger, or inconvenience, which it may represent to others for example children.
• Keepashunitsoutofreachofunauthorisedpersonswheneverpossible.
• Donotuseinrestrictedarea(likehospitals,alwaysaskpermissionbefore).
• Donotusenearammable/explosivematerial.
• Alwaysswitchofftheunitbeforeconnectingordisconnectingheads.
• Theunitandtheashtubemaybecomeveryhotduringandafteruse!Toavoid
injuries, handle with isolating cloth or wait until parts have cooled down.
• Neverashintotheeyesofasubjectwithoutwarning.Closeusemayaffect
• Thereishighvoltageandtherecanbehighcurrents,sopleaseapplyalltheusual
safety precautions when handling the unit, changing flash cables, as you would with
mains powered electronic flash.
• ProtecttheRQRingashECO&Quadrapowerpackwhenusedinhumidconditions.
• Flashcablesmustbeconnectedcorrectlyatbothends.Usethiscableonlyfor
Ranger Quadra.
• Acclimatizing:Iftheunithasbeenexposedtoverycoldconditions,suddenexposure
to warm or humid air may cause condensation and malfunction.
• Preventdirectsunlight,whichmightheatuptheRQRingashECOandtheQuadra
power pack.
• Donotopentheunit.Intheeventofdamageorapparentfailure,adefectashtube,
please contact the Elinchrom Service Centre.
• Flashtubesgeneratehighpressureduringoperationandcanthereforeexplode.
For this reason the flashtube is covered with a transparent security plastic cover.
In case of a damaged flash tube or a broken security cover the Ringflash must be
immediately unplugged from the Ranger Quadra and sent to an authorized Elinchrom
customer service.
• Onlylampconnectorswithimmaculatecontactsmustbeused,burnedor/and
corroded contacts may cause explosions in the area of connectors and lamp sockets.
• Donotroutecablesacrossthestudiooorifpossible,sothatdamageisexcluded.
If routing across the studio floor cannot be omitted, then it must be ensured that
vehicles, ladders, etc do not damage cables. Damaged cables and cases must be
immediately replaced by customer service.
• TheRQRingashECOmaynotbeusedforanyotherpurpose,especiallynotfor
other electrical appliances. Use this unit only with the Ranger Quadra Power Pack