Installing Navisphere Host Agent
Silent Installations and Removals
The following examples use the -override switch, which will
force an override of an existing agent.config file with the
values you specify with the -userid and -server, or -cfgfile
– The example below creates a response file and overrides an
existing agent.config file in the specified installation
directory with a privileged user and other default settings
(see step 4).
Setup.exe -userid Administrator -server
-override -r -f1E:\aSafeDir\agentInst.iss
– The example below overrides an existing Agent
configuration file with the myAgent.config file.
Setup.exe -cfgfile E:\aSafeDir\myAgent.config -override
-s -f1E:\aSafeDir\agentInst.iss
2. Verify that the installation was successful (see Verifying the silent
installation or removal on page A-32) before running the command
on all remaining attached Windows servers.
3. If the installation was successful, repeat step 1 on all remaining
attached Windows servers, then skip to step 4.
If you used any of the optional switches described in step 1, you should
use the same switches in subsequent installations on other attached
servers. However, you can use different values with the switches on the
other servers.
4. If you specified privileged user information on the command line,
the following default settings are used:
•poll 60
• baud 9600
• eventlog 2048
What next? What you do next depends on whether you will use Manager or CLI
to manage the storage systems connected to the server.
Using Manager - If you are setting up a new server, refer to Starting
the Host Agent service on page 3-12. If you are just upgrading the Host
Agent or CLI on an existing system, you have finished the upgrade.
Using CLI - Refer to Starting the Host Agent service on page 3-12 for
information on how you can monitor storage-system events.