2-Gigabit Disk-Array Enclosure (DAE2) Hardware Reference
Installing a DAE2
This section explains site and cabling requirements.
Site Requirements
For proper operation, the installation site must conform to certain
environmental specifications. These are detailed below and in
Appendix A.
Power To determine a DAE2’s worst case power requirements, use the
power rating on the enclosure label. This rating is the maximum
power required for a fully loaded enclosure. The amount of internally
regulated power that a maximum configuration requires from the
power supplies and cooling system determines the values for input
current, power (VA), and dissipation per disk enclosure. Typical
values will be less depending on the number, manufacturer, and type
(FC or ATA) of disk drives. These values represent the sum of the
values shared by the line cords of two power supplies in the same
enclosure. Power cords and supplies share the power load evenly. If
one of the two power supplies fails, the remaining supply and cord
support the full load. You must use a rackmount cabinet with ac
power distribution, and have main branch ac distribution that can
handle these values for the number of disk enclosures that you will
Cooling The temperature at the front bezel inlet must meet the ambient
temperature specification described in Appendix A. The site must
have air conditioning that can maintain the specified ambient
temperature range. The air conditioning must be able to handle the
BTU requirements of the DAE2 disk enclosures.
The DAE2 supports copper cable for a Fibre Channel connection to
another Fibre Channel device (for example, a storage processor or
another DAE2).
Any copper cables you use must meet the appropriate standards for
2-Gbit FC-AL. Such cables are fully shielded, twin-axial, full-duplex
cables with High Speed Serial Data Connector (HSSDC) connectors.
Distances greater than 1 meter require equalized cables; unequalized
one-meter cables are adequate. The DAE2 does not support cables
shorter than 1 meter or longer than 10 meters.