EMC Fibre Channel Storage Systems Configuration Planning Guide
Planning LUNs and File Systems with Unshared Direct Storage
LUN Details Worksheet
Storage system (complete this section once for each storage system)
Storage-system number or name:______
Storage-system installation type
❏ Unshared Direct ❏ Shared-or-Clustered Direct ❏ Shared Switched
SP FC-AL address ID (unshared only): SP A:_____SP B:_____
SP memory (Mbytes): SP A:______ SP B:______
VUse for caching Read cache size:___ MB Write cache size: ___ MB Cache page size:___KB
VUse for RAID 3
LUN ID:_____
RAID Group ID: Size,GB: LUN size,GB: Disk IDs: SP: VA VB
RAID type: VRAID 5 VRAID 3 - Memory, MB:___ VRAID 1 mirrored pair VRAID 0
VRAID 1/0 VIndividual disk VHot spare
Caching: VRead and write VWrite VRead VNone
Servers that can access this LUN:
Operating system information: Device name: File system, partition, or drive:
LUN ID:_____
RAID Group ID: Size,GB: LUN size,GB: Disk IDs: SP: VA VB
RAID type: VRAID 5 VRAID 3 - Memory, MB:___ VRAID 1 mirrored pair VRAID 0
VRAID 1/0 VIndividual disk VHot spare
Caching: VRead and write VWrite VRead VNone
Servers that can access this LUN:
Operating system information: Device name: File system, partition, or drive:
LUN ID:_____
RAID Group ID: Size,GB: LUN size,GB: Disk IDs: SP: VA VB
RAID type: VRAID 5 VRAID 3 - Memory, MB:___ VRAID 1 mirrored pair VRAID 0
VRAID 1/0 VIndividual disk VHot spare
Caching: VRead and write VWrite VRead VNone
Servers that can access this LUN:
Operating system information: Device name: File system, partition, or drive: