DPE Model 54XX/56XX Upgrade to Model 45XX
Upgrade Procedure
on the drives flicker as the copy occurs. SP PROM code is
updated at this time. Wait for all drives to become ready
(disk-drive ready lights on).
21. Verify that the status LED on the front of each SP shows normal
green (not amber).
You have finished the storage-system part of the upgrade. The
next steps involve server hardware.
22. If you are upgrading to a shared storage system with Access
Logix (Core Software 6.32.02), go to the shared storage
installation and service manual, 014002737.
If you are upgrading without Access Logix (Core Software
5.32.00), go to the direct attach installation manual, 014002967.
If the customer and sales representative agreed that the customer
would return the old SPs (that is, the old SPs are listed as line items
on the Sales Order Worksheet), then you can arrange to return the
old SPs to EMC. You can either ship the old SPs by Federal Express
(for two or four SPs), or call the sales organization to have the Sales
RMA (Return Materials Authorization) group pick up the old SPs (for
many SPs).
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Copyright © 2000 EMC Corporation
Revision 00, August 2000