EMC Fibre Channel with QLogic HBAs in Windows Hosts
Configuring an EMC Boot Device
Setting Up the HBA
Once the HBA is installed in the host and the EMC array is connected
to the fabric (FC-SW) or directly connected to the HBA (FC-AL), you
can configure an EMC-qualified QLogic HBA for boot support using
Fast!UTIL, as described below:
1. Boot the server, and press
CTRL-Q when you see the QLogic
Different HBA models may display different banners. Be sure to select
CTRL-Q for the HBA you wish to configure.
2. After Fast!UTIL loads, the display depends on whether there are
multiple QLogic HBAs installed:
• If there is only one QLogic HBA, the
Fast!UTIL Options
menu appears.
• If there are multiple QLogic HBAs, a list of addresses occupies
by those HBAs appears. Use the arrow keys to select the
desired HBA; then press
ENTER. The Fast!UTIL Options menu
3. Select Configuration Settings from the menu.
4. Select Host Adapter Settings and enable Host Adapter BIOS.
Refer to EMC HBA Settings on page 2-8 for a table of EMC-configured
NVRAM settings.
5. Press ESC to return to the previous menu.
6. Select Selectable Boot Settings and enable Selectable Boot
7. For any entry that is not blank (all zeros), highlight the entry and
C to clear any previous values.
8. When all parameters are set correctly, press
ESC to return to the
Fast!UTIL Options menu; then select Save Changes to save the
changes you made to the current adapter.
QLogic Corporation
QLA2300 PCI Fibre Channel ROM BIOS Version 1.17
Copyright © Qlogic Corporation 1993-1999 All rights reserved
Press <CTRL - Q> for Fast!UTIL