38 Micro Motion
Model 2400S Transmitters
Dimensions and Specifications
A.7 Digital communications
A.8 Host interface
All versions
Service port One service port for temporary connections (requires removing transmitter
housing cover)
Uses RS-485 Modbus signal, 38.4 kBaud, one stop bit, no parity
Address: 111 (not configurable)
Wireless If transmitter has display, service port can be accessed with IrDA device (for
example, a PDA running Pocket ProLink) without removing transmitter housing
cover. If transmitter has no display, access to service port requires removing
transmitter housing cover.
Model 2400S Analog
HART/Bell 202 HART signal is superimposed on the primary milliamp output (Channel A), and is
available for host system interface:
• Frequency: 1.2 and 2.2 kHz
• Amplitude: to 1.0 mA
• 1200 baud, one stop bit, odd parity
• Address: 0 (default), configurable
• Requires 250 to 600 Ω resistance
PROFIBUS-DP Digital 2-way communication protocol
• Automatically recognizes network baud rate
• Address selectable by 3 rotary switches, or software selectable
Model 2400S DeviceNet
DeviceNet Digital 2-way communication protocol
• Address and baud rate selectable by 3 rotary switches (2 to select address, 1 to
select baud rate), or software selectable
Model 2400S Analog ProLink
II v2.5 from Micro Motion supports full device configuration.
HART DD file supports all functionality.
Model 2400S PROFIBUS-DP ProLink II v2.5 from Micro Motion supports full device configuration.
• GSD file conforming to the PROFIBUS-DP specification:
- Provides Profibus Class 1 Master functions
- Enables reading and controlling all process data
• DD file conforming to Profibus EDDL specification
- Provides Profibus Class 2 Master functions
- Enables device configuration
- Supports Siemens Simatic PDM
Model 2400S DeviceNet ProLink II v2.5 from Micro Motion supports full device configuration.
• EDS file conforming to the DeviceNet specification:
- Enables device configuration