Water-Cooled Models—Self-Contained Compressor
4.1 Piping Considerations
Manual shutoff valves should be installed at the supply and return lines of each unit. This will pro-
vide for routine maintenance or emergency isolation of the unit.
When the water source for the condenser is of poor quality, it is good practice to provide cleanable fil-
ters in the supply line. These filters will trap the particles in the water supply and extend the service
life of the water-cooled condenser.
To provide for the emergency of water leaks and the consequences of sub-floor flooding, floor drains
should be provided with wet traps or a water detection system such as a Liebert Liqui-tect
that is installed near the base of the unit or below the elevated floor.
4.2 Condenser
The condenser is designed to operate in conjunction with either a cooling tower or city water. The
maximum water pressure is 150 psig (1034 kPa). A high pressure system rated at 350 psig (2413 kPa)
is available as an option.