
PMC Module Installation
3-2 CC1000dm User’s Manual 10004281-02
2 To prevent ESD damage to the CC1000dm carrier card and the PMC modules, wear a grounding
wriststrap and use a grounded work surface while handling the card.
3 Set up the PMC module and install it on the CC1000dm carrier card as specified in the module’s
hardware manual.
Monarch Functionality
Each slot (PMC1 and PMC2) on the CC1000dm carrier card can be configured to func-
tion as either a Monarch or non-Monarch PMC slot (in non-transparency or legacy
mode), as described in the Processor PMC Standard for Processor PCI Mezzanine Cards,
VITA 32- 2003 Specification. Although only one slot can be a Monarch, there can be
as many non-Monarch PMCs as the carrier card can support. A module placed on the
Monarch slot performs local PCI bus enumeration and handles PMC interrupts. A mod-
ule placed on the non-Monarch slot behaves in the traditional slave processor manner.
Both slots have the ability to be configured as either Monarch or non-Monarch by the
10-pin jumper at JP3.
Device Mapping
Once the Monarch PMC module has completed initialization of the CC1000dm local
bus, the PCI agents located on that bus are available for access. There are up to two PCI
devices installed on the PLX PCI 6254 (HB6) secondary bus and two PCI IDSEL lines
allocated to each PMC slot.
Table 3-2 lists all the IDSEL mappings.
3.3 Volts: 5 Volts: 3.3 and 5 Volts Combined:
8.5 amps 6 amps 28-30 watts
PCI Address Line: Local PCI Device IDSEL Connection:
AD22 PMC 1
AD21 PMC 1 Alternate Device
AD20 PMC 2
AD19 PMC 2 Alternate Device
AD18 PLX PCI 6254 (HB6) PCI Bridge
Ta b l e 3 - 1 :
PMC Slots Available Power
N o t e :
A maximum load current of 6
amps (worst case) results in a
voltage drop of approximately
100 mV to the PMC 5 volt
power supply inputs. To ensure
proper module operation,
adjust the CompactPCI power
supply to accommodate any
voltage drop or power supply
ripple that may occur when
operating the carrier card.
Ta b l e 3 - 2 :
IDSEL Mapping for PCI