
Setting Up Parameters
Initiating Gearing Motion
Gearing can be activated through an Assignment, or from a program instruction
(Gear.Initiate). If initiated from an assignment, the Gear.Activate destination is a level-
sensitive event. This means that gearing will be active as long as the source to which it is
assigned is active. If gearing from a program, the Gear.Stop instruction is used to stop the
gearing motion.
Stopping Gearing Motion
The method used to stop gearing motion depends on how the gearing was initiated. If gearing
was initiated using an Assignment, then simply deactivating the Gear.Active destination will
cause gearing motion to stop. If gearing was initiated from within a program, then the
Gear.Stop command must be used to stop gearing. If gearing motion is operating on Profile.1
(FM-4 only), then the On Profile.1 motion modifier must be used after the Gear.Stop