Chapter 3
Wiring the power supply and grounding the
Topics covered in this chapter:
¨ Power supply requirements
¨ Wire the power supply
¨ Ground the
9739 MVD transmitter
Power supply requirements
The 9739 MVD transmitter can accept either AC or DC power. The transmitter automatically recognizes the source voltage.
Table 3-1 lists the AC and DC power requirements for the 9739 MVD transmitter.
Table 3-1 Power supply requirements
AC power requirements
• 85 to 265 VAC
• 50/60 Hz
• 4 W typical, 7 W maximum
DC power requirements
• 12 to 30 VDC
• 4 W typical, 7 W maximum
Wire the power supply
The power supply wiring terminals are located in the base of the transmitter housing. You must remove the electronics
module to access the terminals and the power ground terminal(s).
1. Remove the transmitter housing cover.
2. Remove the three housing screws attaching the electronics module to the base of the transmitter housing.
3. Disconnect the electronics module power connector from the base of the module.
4. Remove the electronics module from the transmitter housing base.
Figure 3-1 shows the location of the power supply wiring terminals and power ground terminal.