
Appendix E.1 Ground Test Procedure
The purpose of the GTS is to confirm integrity of grounding path. This test is performed when the sys-
tem is completely shutdown and isolated from all external powers. Use the checklist below.
Items Required
Handheld Multimeter - Ohmmeter
The ground-test procedure consists of verifying the resistance between the following points (expected
values are given in some instances):
PE and PPM Box (0 Ohms)
PE and MCM Box (0 Ohms)
PE and outer containment (0 Ohms)
PE and door 0 Ohms.
PE and external capacitor box (0 Ohms)
PE and right side of enclosure (0 Ohms)
PE and left side of enclosure (0 Ohms)
PE and bottom of enclosure (0 Ohms)
PE and top of enclosure (0 Ohms)
PE and water slide (0 Ohms)
PE and the ground on fused disconnect
PE and the building ground
Connect tester cable to non-painted metal or screw for testing.