2-12 Chapter 2
Figure 2-12 DCP386i Factory Default Jumper Connections
PC I/O Channel Check
The factory default setting (J1-2 to J1-3 connected) for the DCP386
provides an interrupt line to the PC for parity errors in the shared memory.
This is the I/O Channel Check signal on the PC bus.
A parity error may instead interrupt the local processor at level 0 of the local
82C59. This can be done by placing the jumper in the LCL position (J1-1 to
J1-2 connected). Refer to Figure 2-12 for the factory default jumper settings.
Window Group Select
The DCP386
i contains memory that is shared by the host. The host software
can select the size of the window that is shared using Jumper J3. The factory
default setting (J3-1 to J3-2 connected) allows window sizes of 16K, 32K,
64K or 1M. Changing this jumper plug position (J3-2 to J3-3 connected),
allows window sizes of 16K, 64K or 128K. Figure 2-13 shows the Window
Group Select jumper settings.
Factory Default
Figure 2-13 Window Group Select Jumper Plug Settings