Assign IP Address
1) Login to the UNIX host as root user.
2) Verify IP address availability.
#ping IP_address
IP_address The desired IP address in decimal dot notation.
You should not receive a response. If a response is received, select
another IP address with the assistance of the network administrator.
3) Assign the IP address.
#arp -s IP_address MAC_address
IP_address The printer server IP address in decimal dot
MAC_address The printer server MAC address in hexadecimal [0-
9, a-f] notation.
For example:
> #arp -s 0:0:c9:0:c1:a9
IMPORTANT: Do not use leading zeroes in the IP
address or MAC address.
On an AIX system, include an additional argument to the ARP command
to indicate the Ethernet interface:
#arp -s ether IP_address MAC_address
IP_address The printer server IP address in decimal dot
MAC_address The printer server MAC address in hexadecimal [0-
9, a-f] notation.
On other systems such as AT&T System V, the ARP command is:
#arpbypass -f1 set IP_address
IP_address The printer server IP address in decimal dot
n Represents hexadecimal digits.
4) Turn the printer server off and on.