4. Select the curve and transformation options you want to use.
You see a preview of your text art in the window.
5. Click the Decoration tab.
6. Select any Fill, Border, and Reverse settings you want to use.
7. Click OK.
You see the outline of your text art block.
8. Drag the block where you want the text art to appear, then click the block to display it on your label.
Parent topic: Designing Labels With Label Editor
Related tasks
Working With Blocks in Label Editor
Editing Layout in Label Editor
You can rearrange and adjust the layout of the blocks of text and other elements on your labels.
1. To edit the layout of a block, click the Edit block icon, and click the block on the Label Editor main
Note: To select more than one block, press and hold the Shift key on your computer keyboard while
you click the blocks (or choose Select All from the Edit menu).
You see green handles around the selected block.
2. Open the Layout menu.